Thursday, February 6, 2014

Scavenger Hunt: Project 1

Reflection: For this photograph, I took a bird bath and set 
a globe into it so that the sun would make the water
turn all sorts of different colors. 

High Point: This is the sun at its highest point of the day

The End: The last page of one of the funniest books
I've read. It states, Till next time, goodnight and -from
the bottom of my heart- I thank you.

Red: Red makes me think of death. These are poisonous
berries that live in my backyard. 

Three: Three cars, all of which won three trophies 
a piece. 

Electric: I think it describes itself....


Shadow: My dad's lame soooo 

Cold: Ice cubes sitting in a glass with condensation 
slowly dripping down the side

Hot: In my attempt to make tea, I burned myself
and realized how hot a burner is.

Energy: My dog is a three year old ball of energy 
that never slows down. Don't get in her way, it hurts to
be dive-bombed. 

Oversized: My dog is much too big next to my tiny kitty 

Contemplation: Wondering if she should attack my 
face or not. She did. 

Midnight: Not actually midnight but the moon looked
really nice.

Familiar: Four books of things I love very much.
They feel safe to me. Pictured are, John Barrowman,
Esther Earl, The complete Sherlock Holmes collection, 
and a photography book about Australia. 

Warning: Road work. Must mean slow down...

Sharp: Do not stick your face to this. It hurts. 

Music: Some of my favorite cd's. Featuring, Hank Green, Muse,
Joy Formidable, and Awolnation. 

Community: A graveyard where dead people in a 
community go. 

Soft: Not only the blanket, but yes, the 
cat is too. 

New/Old: One dog is 8, the other 3. Lame I know.

Love: A one year old can love pretty much everything.
Mostly, she just wanted the phone. 
Closed: Old things aren't often opened.

Intimidating: This thing is like 300 of me.
No thank you. 

Single: One dog, one of each flower. Warning, 
dogs do not like things put on their heads. Do not try 
this unless you have a strong bond. 

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